Bach Foundation Registered Practitioner
Tessa Jordan Homeopath Bach Flower Practitioner


What is Homeopathy? It is an approach to healing which works with our own body's resources to support a natural healing reaction. It is safe for anyone to use, including babies, children and pregnant women.

Homeopathy works by using highly dilute - energetic - preparations of remedies to support the body's own healing process. When we are unwell, our body tries to heal us. Sometimes we have the resources to heal acute symptoms quickly and without any medication. Sometimes however, the symptoms linger and we have difficulty clearing them, even in an acute illness like a cold. The homeopathic approach to such problems is to acknowledge that the symptoms our body is producing are actually the evidence of how it is trying to heal us. If we have a runny nose with a cold, our body is trying to discharge and clear the by-product of the infection. These symptoms may feel uncomfortable, annoying and unpleasant. We may be tempted to use a medication to suppress the discharge. In that way we are working ‘against’ our body’s own healing process, even if the immediate symptom may be eased temporarily, this is not always a cure. Rather than suppress a nasal discharge, the homeopathic approach would be to choose a remedy which will speed up the discharge and by clearing the symptoms in this way, so effect a cure.

Homeopaths will always be working to discover the root cause of an illness, taking an holistic approach which recognises that whatever symptoms we are suffering with, there are physical, mental and emotional influences which influence every factor.

The beginnings of homeopathy date from the time of Hippocrates and the father of modern homeopathy, Dr Samuel Hahnemann, developed the clear philosophy behind this therapeutic approach in his publication ‘The Organon of Medicine’ which was first published in 1810 and revised many times during his lifetime.

Homeopathy is sometimes spelled with an extra ‘o’ as HOMOEOPATHY. This original spelling comes from the Greek words which form its name and describe how it works.

  • Homoion means "similar" or "like"
  • Pathos means "suffering"

This brings us to the key principles of homeopathy :-

The Law of Similars – says that "like causes like", so that a substance which can cause particular symptoms when given to a healthy person in a material dose, will heal those same symptoms when given in a homeopathic (or energetic) dose to a sick person.

One example of this is clear when we consider what may happen to us as we peel and chop fresh onions – our nose runs, our eyes water, we feel our head and nose are blocked, despite the free flowing discharges and all this is eased by going outside in the fresh air. If someone is suffering from these same symptoms when they have a cold, then the homeopathic remedy Allium Cepa, a remedy made from an onion, is well indicated to help work with the body towards a cure.

The Law of the Minimum Dose – introduces the concept of the energetic preparation of homeopathic remedies. Classical preparations of remedies involve the serial dilution and succussion (vigorous shaking) of substances to release their energetic potential. The highest potencies of the remedies are those that are most diluted and energised.

Individual Approach – modern medics are trained to assess and diagnose a person’s illness, to give it a name, before deciding on which treatment is necessary and best practice. Although this information can help a homeopath choose the appropriate remedy, it is often not enough. We need to discover more individual details of each person’s presenting symptoms so that we can accurately match the remedy to the patient. Sometimes two people with the same diagnosis can respond with totally different personal symptoms. For example, one person diagnosed with arthritis may find ease from joint pain by resting, while another may find they are quite stiff and in discomfort when resting, and that they need to move about to ‘loosen up’ their joints, especially in the morning when they first get up. The ‘common’ cold has a variety of symptoms and effects according to the personality and the vulnerability of each patient. This suggests that each individual will need a personal assessment to choose the best remedy match for them.

Homeopathic consultations give the practitioner the chance to learn in detail about each patient’s symptoms - when they feel better or worse, when the problem first started, any particular or personal symptoms, diet, lifestyle, medications, supplements, quality of sleep, stress levels, history of health and illness or operations, vaccinations and any reactions, emotional state... and more. Based on this information, the homeopath will be able to choose the remedy which best suits the picture given and so prescribe remedies on an individual basis, rather than according to a diagnostic label.

Tessa has now retired from Homeopathic practice and no longer offers a consultation service. You can find a Homeopath near you by going to the Society of Homeopaths’ website - She suggests you contact a couple of Homeopaths and discuss with them how they work, before deciding which professional seems best suited to working with you.

For more information and references to research into homeopathy see this link –

Dr Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of modern homeopathy