Bach Foundation Registered Practitioner
Tessa Jordan Homeopath Bach Flower Practitioner

Bach Advanced Conversion Course

What is the Advanced Conversion Course?

The five day BIEP Advanced Conversion Course was developed for people who already have a good working knowledge of Dr Bach’s remedy system and who would like to further broaden their knowledge, formalise their training/experience and become eligible to apply to become a member of the Bach Foundation International Register of Practitioners.

The BIEP Advanced Conversion Course gives students the opportunity to undertake the equivalent of all three levels of the BIEP within the space of five days rather than the usual eight days. Accredited by the Dr Edward Bach Centre, the course meets their criteria with respect to the training and assessments required to work towards Bach Foundation Registered Practitioner status.

The course is intensive and challenging with interactive exercises and relevant case studies. We cover the subtle indications of the remedies and compare and contrast them to help you choose the optimum mix for each client. We consider the dynamics of the consultation, Dr Bach’s philosophy of healing and how we each relate to this personally and in our practice. The whole course offers a professional approach and stays true to Dr Bach’s emphasis on simplicity.

Who can attend the course?

The course is open to those people who have an in-depth working knowledge of the remedies and can show, in a pre-course assessment, that they have sufficient knowledge of the remedies to cope with the extra demands this intensive course requires. On the final day of the course, there is a written assessment which is marked by the Bach Centre, with all follow-up work (essays and case studies) being done by correspondence. Upon successful completion, you will be eligible to apply to join the Bach Centre International Register of Practitioners and become a Bach Foundation Registered Practitioner. This gives you and your practice additional status and professional support.

We have held the Advanced Conversion Course in Singapore and are interested in offering it again in other venues outside of the UK if there is enough interest.

For more details, please contact me or the local organiser, Vimala Murali on We will both be pleased to help.

We are now exploring the possibility of offering this course in India. If you are interested in attending or have suggestions about venues, please contact me.

Bach Adnaced Conversion Course Cherry Plum