Bach Foundation Registered Practitioner
Tessa Jordan Homeopath Bach Flower Practitioner

Bach Friendly Group Meetings

As the name suggests, this group is for friendly people with an interest in Dr Bach’s remedies and his system of healing. We meet online to discuss any Bach issues, do some exercises and work through case studies. Anyone is welcome to join us – usually people come who have already followed a course in the remedies and some are already a registered Bach practitioner. It is an opportunity to meet and share ideas with fellow Bach enthusiasts. There is no charge for these sessions and I welcome a donation in recognition of the time and work involved in preparing and running the group. If you join from outside the UK, a donation to charity works well too.

Next BFG Meetings -

Online via Zoom – Thursday 18th July 2024 16.00 to 18.00 (UK/BST/one hour ahead of GMT)

If you would like to join us at one of the BFG meetings, then contact us by email or by telephone and we will tell you more and add your details to the mailing list, so you get to hear about the meetings and the latest news.

At our meetings we discuss paper cases to get us thinking and learning more about the remedies. You will find some of these cases on the Case Studies page in the Bach Flowers section of this website

There are other Bach Friendly Group meetings throughout the country, some open to anyone interested, some only open to people who have done courses or are practitioners. Contact the Bach Centre for more details.
